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  • Philip Watters - Spartanburg, South Carolina, USA

    "I have to tell you though, I remember lying in a hospital bed 3 years ago thinking that i'd never be able to play games ever again with my PS2. Now I can thanks to you."

  • ミシェル・ヒン、


  • ジョン・ドウ


  • カリフォルニア州ベルモントのスティーブ・フライアー

    障害者の独立センター- 支援技術コーディネーター「ところで - 私はあなたのウェブサイトを見ました。あなたは非常に素晴らしい発明家です!あなたはたくさんの革新的なソリューションを持っています。これを読んでいる人が見てみることをお勧めします!」 - 投稿しますテクノロジーアクセスのためのアライアンス専門家の電子メールリスト


  • GYコーディネーター、ミネソタ州中央部の脳性麻痺


  • Steve Freier、サンマテオ、カリフォルニア州アシスト


  • Gregory Dancel - Canada

    Gregory is really enjoying the PS3. He can handle most of the controllers functions but has more limited use of his left hand with CP, and so operates the L1 & L2 buttons with simple head switches instead.

  • Susan McClure, MS, OTR/L via Alliance for Technology Access (ATA)

    Mark, I always appreciate your replies, the excellence in your work, and checked out the various equipment you mention. In the late 60s, early 70s......

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  • Renée, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

    "Thank you for bringing your equipment and presenting on the DNR stage at the State Fair!  You're an excellent public speaker!"

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  • Jeffrey Brown, Pennsylvania

    "I do use it a lot [Vocalize]!  Thanks again for all your wonderful support and help!  You're a Giant among Gimp's!"  Jeff also uses our VoiceIR, &Computer Head Mouse ......

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  • Lori Russell, Golden BC, Canada

    [Lori is a High School Special Education Adaptive Technology Professional]"Just wanted to let you know that I set up M.G.'s VoiceIR QuickStart Package today, and it works like a charm!!!  Very very easy to program, easy to change commands, great for him (being blind) because he can tell if it's recognized his command....

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  • Kenley Steeg, Houston, Texas

    "My Mother recently passed away, but was able to significantly increase her quality of life through the use of your product. Since the phone worked so well for us, I plan to donate the phone to TIRR (Texas Institute for Rehabilitation and Research), as this product seems to have more functionality than any they knew of." [his mother utilized the Vocalize Portable with Advanced Voice Control and the VoiceIR]

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